“And so, here and now, I’ll do something different: I breastfed my first baby for a harrowing five months. I honestly wish I had given up sooner, and regret the time I spent consumed by anxiety, convinced that breast milk was a mystical cure-all, a protective potion that I would be selfish not to score for my infant no matter the price. The price turned out to be my sanity, whittled down by countless hours spent pumping; I was yielding one “magic” ounce per day and yet I kept at it. I breastfed this more recent baby for six weeks…if we’re rounding up. And I feel great about it. Can’t you tell?” THANK YOU, and co-sign.

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Thank you so much for including my squirrel opus! Fantastic newsletter, so many amazing finds. Happy to be here. xo --Kelly

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