Jul 29, 2022Liked by Rachel Baker & Maggie Bullock

Congrats, Rachel!!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Rachel Baker & Maggie Bullock

WElcome, Ms. Valentine!!

Hail the Spread Baby!!!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Rachel Baker & Maggie Bullock

Abbott Elementary!! Love you Valentine!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Rachel Baker & Maggie Bullock

Maybe (okay, for sure) I’m an older gen than most of your readers, but I was surprised no one weighed in on the “…Leo Grande” movie w Emma Thompson. Could there be a more appealing and unreal sex worker ever depicted on the screen, save Julia Roberts? The MOST gratuitous ‘honest’ conversations about sex, relationships, et al. And what did the press write about? Emma Thompson naked. Maybe It’s just fine that it disappeared in a blink. But I do wonder…hypothetically…is someone out there like that?

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